



Contact Us


Revised on : January 09, 2023

Welcome to our privacy and policy section. This document explains to you what information we collect and why we collect and how we use your information when you access SprintsQ (www.sprintsq.com). This Policy is incorporated into, and is subject to, the Terms of Use document (www.sprintsq.com/termsofuse). Please read this document carefully to understand how we process your information.

What we collect

Account information

We collect your basic requirements during the registration process. In the registration we collect name, email, message, location. We collect these information to notify you with our updates or offers

Information in products

While accessing our services, we collect and store the information or data or content which you feed to your accounts. Content includes provided links, imported documents to the service, name of the board, imported or created test cases, your linked social posts. If you use our services, we do not host or transmit or leak your data.

Information through our services

We collect the contents you submit to the sites, this include your social media or networking websites. For example, you provide your details when you send a feedback to us or participate in any active features which includes survey, promotion or events.

Device and connection

We collect information through your resources about your operating system, URLs, IP address, and other data. We will collect your location by your IP address or your location preferences to provide you with the better services.

Google user data

We use Google OAuth APIs to perform single sign-on(SSO) by Google, to ensure that the email provided with the aid of the Google Auth server is a legitimate user of the SprintsQ system. We also use Google drive APIs to get IDs and URLs to attach files in the SprintsQ management system.

Payment information

We collect the payment and billing process when you purchase our paid services. For example, payment methods include your basic requirements like name, contact information. This also includes the card details for payment, which we collect via secure payment processing services.


We collect cookies to provide you with the best service. Cookies are small pieces of information about you and your searches in your electronic device(computer / mobile). This helps to analyze your usage. We use your cookies to study the behavior of our clients and to create a user-friendly environment for your better usage and experience. If you don't wish to share any of your cookies, you can restrict them in your browser settings. This may lead to few restrictions on SprintsQ server.

Third Party

We collect your information from third party providers. This data includes publicly available information( social platforms ), mail address, name, intent data (or user behavior data) for the purpose of promotion and advertisement. You may restrict them in your browser setting which may impact few restrictions in SprintsQ system.


We strongly consider protecting the information of the children online. Children are not allowed to access our account. Therefore children are not allowed to access our account, we may not collect information from them knowingly. If we unknowingly collect information and track that, we will delete them accordingly.

Accessing and controlling information

This is your information and you have the right to access it. If you wish not to share your information you can always modify your data in your profile. If you do so, some of the features will be cut off due to improper or incomplete information. You can always let us know about your inconvenience about sharing your information. Please contact us on support@sprintsq.com. We will be happy to correct /edit/delete your personal information by your request.


We reserve the right to change or modify these terms hence we may update/ revise this site anytime. By accessing, browsing or using this site, you agree to our updated revised/ updated version and therefore periodically visit our website.

About any queries about our privacy and policies you can always contact support@sprintsq.com anytime. We’ll be happy to hear from you.